Can songs written over a hundred years ago still be relevant in 2022?
How do songs echo, reinforce or contradict who we are and the place where we live?
Join Duke Special and friends for a night of songs discovered from old sheet music and performed with a stellar house band made up of Seán Óg Graham and Niamh Dunne (Beoga), Mark McCambridge (Arborist), Rachel McCarthy (Darkling Air), Nick Scott, bass (for artists including Mary Black, Sir Van Morrison & Sinead O’Connor), and Steve Davis, drums (for artists including Sir Van Morrison, Mark Ribot, Django Bates & Matthew Bourne), and very special guest, the MAC's artist in residence pianist Ruth McGinley.
Some of the songs will be new to you, some might tug at a memory in the back of your mind. Sit back and be brought on a song-journey through, time, place, memory and identity.
Date:30 Jun 2022; Time:7:45pm; Duration: 90mins; Location: Downstairs Theatre